Fear has no wonder taken possession over almost all of us in today’s scenario. These days we all fear for our existence on this earth. It is indeed the biggest stress-producer among human race. Fear lies in our subconscious mind and it starts showing its ugly face as and when we face a situation which includes or indicates a possibility of imminent loss of life, loved ones, property or prestige.
The greatest fear looming around the world these days is of course is that of death as all our physical relations, materialistic possessions doesn’t hold any existence after death. But you know what is worse than death; IT IS THE FEAR OF DEATH!
The fear of untimely death is growing everyday as the uncertainty about the human race existence has increased many folds. Scientific advances have no wonder have helped to live comfortable lives in many ways. However, insecurity has also kept pace with progress.
In today’s scenario where the whole world is fighting a deadly virus we have become all the more vulnerable as anything can happen at anytime and anywhere. The mankind has done the damage beyond control to the mother earth that death is just a careless moment away. We have become increasingly violent and living mechanized lives leading ourselves towards our own extinction.
We are highly insecure as many individuals have lost their lives in human-made situations where the victims are just too innocent to be killed. We can reconcile ourselves when people around us die of natural calamity or by accidents but when we witness wanton killings carried out by humans, we tend to become apprehensive and our trust for our fellow human beings get shaken.
Medical science has no cure for fear. Actually, it is a malady of the soul and calls for a spiritual solution. First of all, it requires an attitudinal change. We need to keep ourselves reminded that one only loses by giving in to fear. Fear paralyses our mind, rendering it incapable of doing what it can easily do otherwise. The behavior of pigeons illustrates this well. Do you know pigeons just shut their eyes when they see a cat? What does it results in? Getting Killed! By practicing to take on any situation calmly and with courage, we will be able to change our tendency to get frightened by unexpected or adverse circumstances.
Another change we need is in the way we look at any adversity. All the tests that we face in life, regardless of whether we pass them or not, make us stronger and equip us to face similar tests in future in a better way. If we dodge these tests for fear of failure or loss, we will advance in life no more than student who refuses to sit for examinations out of examination phobia.
The illusion of mortality is the deep-rooted cause of fear. It originates from a wrong identification of the eternal self with the perishable body. It can be overcome by the realization of a basic truth: that we are souls and the soul is immortal. This is the first lesson of the Bhagavad Gita.
The soul is just an actor and the human body is only its costume. It takes rebirth, casting off one body to take birth in a new one. What we call death is nothing but the departure of the soul from the body after its role in the preset body is over. This is not an esoteric truth just to be wondered at, but anyone can realize it by practicing Raj Yoga Meditation.Living in soul-consciousness over a long period empowers us to over the fear of mortality.
Attitudinal changes do help us to overcome our fear to a certain extent but if you need complete freedom from your fear, you need to focus on the Karma Philosophy. It is true that fear is about the future but the roots of the same lies in our past. It is the law of the Karma that we shall reap as we sow. Fear is the result of our sins we commit living on this earth. That’s the reason some people are always in grip of fear of losing whereas others take it lightly. The seemingly baseless and even peculiar fears or phobias that people suffer from – fear of going out alone, fear of certain places – are all in some manner influenced by past actions and experiences.
Our mythology as well eulogizes the brave: the story of the indomitable monkey prince, angad, the emissary of Rama, standing his own in the court of Ravana is well known, and Durga, the eight-armed female deity who rides a lion, symbolizes feminine courage and power. It’s because of the courage that countless martyrs braved death and great men like Mahatma Gandhi overcame seemingly insurmountable odds.
If you wish to overcome your unnecessary fear just surrender yourself to the almighty and he will shower his love, peace and blessings upon you. We at Brahma Kumaris believe that no soul should ever fear and live a life serving its purpose of existence. You can visit the nearest center and learn to practice easy Raj Yoga, the only way to meet the almighty.
During this lockdown if anyone interested in learning RajYogaMeditation & experience the benefits from the comfort of your home, can avail of free services being rendered by Prajapita Brahma KumarisIshwariyaVishwaVidyalaya.
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