You want to live healthy and longer? Would you like to leave this planet as a better place to live in for our next generations? If answer to the above questions is obvious yes for you, then you should know the best way to achieve it.
Going vegan is the only sustainable option we have right now if we wish to live healthier and longer. There are many reasons to accept Veganism as a way of living which includes healthy diet, free from cruelty, helps to curb in climate change and also helps to reduce the world hunger. If we decide to go vegan, we will not only help our own selves but also the whole community and animals as well.
Once you decide to go vegan, you will stop consuming animal products which in turn will help in preventing exploitation of animals. Every year to produce milk, cows are raped, their male babies are killed immediately and they are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. So, if you want to help the poor creatures, go vegan and be 100% cruelty free.
Vegan diet (100% plant based) is cholesterol free and low in fat and thus results in low cholesterol, less risk of heart attacks, prevents diabetes and many forms of cancer as well. In short, you will be saved from many crippling diseases as you save others from cruelty.
We can also contribute towards saving planet by going vegan and leading a green life. By not using animal food including dairy products we will be able to lower our carbon footprint as the production of meat or other animal products puts a heavy burden on the environment. We need lots of water, food and the process involved from farm to fork needs many other earth resources which can be saved if we turn vegan.
If we all go vegan, world hunger problem will also get solved. At present over 1 billion people go hungry as 50% of the world agriculture crop is fed to the livestock animals. Food which we are currently giving to animals can feed up to 5 billion more people than the current human population.
Animal food lovers argue that their ‘food animals’ have lived a happy and fulfilling life at slaughterhouses as they were reared and fed properly. So, they should not have any kind of fear of getting slaughtered but the sad fact is that every living creature fears death as we human do. So, if you want to be cruelty free and live a life which is in sync with the teachings of our vedas, we should accept veganism.
We at Brahma Kumaris believe that no soul should be harmed in any way. It is rightly said that, you are what you eat. So, if you eat healthy and cruelty free diet you will be more kind and at peace with your soul.
Appropriate diet will help you to lead a more fulfilling and peaceful life. If you wish to know more about food and its impact on the soul, visit the nearest Brahma Kumaris center located all across the globe.
During this lockdown if anyone interested in learning RajYogaMeditation & experience the benefits from the comfort of your home, can avail of free services being rendered by Prajapita Brahma KumarisIshwariyaVishwaVidyalaya.
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