but do we really experience that bond of love and
peace with him?
Experience It By RajYoga Meditation. Learn It Today. It's Free
You have called Me by many names: Shiva, Jehovah, Allah, God ¦ You have built temples and churches to Me. You have searched for Me on pilgrimages and in nature. You have worshipped Me in many forms, Yet you do not know Me. You cannot see Me with your physical eyes. My form is of divine light, like a shining star. I reside in timeless dimension beyond this material world. You too once resided with Me in that Supreme Abode of peace. Your form is also like Mine “ a subtle, eternal, divine point of light. You came onto this worldly state to play a part through the body And have become lost in playing your part, Forgetting yourself, Me and your sweet eternal Home of golden silence. When this drama of life comes to a close I incarnate to free you from the chains of attachment and ignorance And to take you back with Me to the Supreme Abode. My incarnation is divine, unique and incognito. I am ever pure, ever blissful, ever loving, ever free. You are originally like Me and you belong to Me always. When you recognize Me accurately and focus your thoughts on Me, You come back to Me. I am your long forgotten Supreme Parent. My relationship with you is eternal. Remember who you are. Remember your Home. Remember Me.

- RajYoga Meditation is the only way to reach me at this time & feel my presence in your journey of life.
- To begin with, start experiencing yourself... I the soul (not the body), who is a tiny, subtle point of light.
- I the soul that uses the body to express itself & resides in the middle of the forehead
- With practice this enlightenment will help you to realise that- You are a soul, you have a body, God is also a Soul, but He is bodiless.
- Now shift your Realisation from your self-being as a soul, to Me as a supreme soul, "A point of light" & experience the connection
- Once you are 'linked' to Me, you will experience a beam of energy in the form of peace, love, happiness, purity, Power, knowledge & bliss…
GOD HAS ARRIVED - " A 100% truth "
Dear Children,
You all have become so engrossed in this materialistic world that you may not accept that
I have incarnated on this earth. The humans have become so devilish & the religion has
become so degenerated that I had to come to give salvation to you from the sorrows of this
world. I have incarnated to free you from the impurities of the world.
You have so far been having the knowledge based on the contemplation of human beings; now
you must study & experiment this divine Knowledge & can thus; realise that the giver
of this knowledge is none other but the omnipotent Supreme Soul (GOD) Himself. Do your own
study & experiment about Me¦With Me¦
The realization of my incarnation will bring you closer to ME¦ You will be able to unleash the
secrets of the human life cycle & the time cycle. Come & be part of the change¦move
a step towards the recreation of the Golden Age¦The age of eternal bliss, love, happiness
& peace of the mind & soul¦
Let's do it together¦. Help me in the great task of the moral reconstruction of the mankind¦

TIME CYCLE - "Eternal drama of 5000 years "
The Confluence Age (Sangam Yuga) marks the end of the Kali Yuga and the beginning of the 'Golden Age' or Sat Yuga. This is the time when God Himself incarnates into this world, purifies human souls and re-establishes the Golden Age. The souls come into this world in its purest form¦plays its part in the Drama of Life and stays here till the end of Iron age and then go back to its eternal abode to rest and then come back again to play its part¦it is an eternal cycle which keeps moving on and on¦
GOLDEN AGE - " The age of eternal bliss, wisdom & purity "

SILVER AGE - " The age of just righteousness & bliss"
COPPER AGE - " The age of duality & unrighteousness "
The eternal happiness and bliss get replaced by the vices & sorrows. The human souls start eroding & get trapped in the materialistic world of vices & miseries. At this point, my kids loose Spiritual happiness & begin the search for God and in the search of the supreme soul, they establish the religion. This further divides them into religious grounds and the soul shifts from the path of super- righteousness to unrighteousness. My children will become more & more conscious about their senses & sense organs of the body. The soul further steps down from its self-respect and its ruins of power are handed over to the senses. They forget about the Oneness of the Soul.

IRON AGE - "The age of war, lust, anger, woes & conflicts"
The last quarter of the cycle is the Iron Age. The world becomes completely detached from the Truth of the Life. It is the stage of the time cycle where only ignorance, moral depravity, and the sin which dominates the lives on the earth. In Iron Age or the Kali Yuga; the proud, greed, jealousy, calamities, clashes, woes, anger and materialistic attachment reach its peak.
The humans become devilish and the religion becomes degenerated. The world moves away from the purity and robbed of its eternal peace and bliss of the soul. The human desires are controlled by the five vices and they become selfish in thoughts and action. People in this stage preach religion without actually understanding the value of the same. They are lost in their world of vice, ignorance, an illusion. The souls become so immoral that they start spreading hatred, war, and conflicts. The world which was once a heaven in the Golden Age turns into a devilish place to live in.
CONFLUENCE AGE - "The age of restoration of mankind..."