We all are children of God, the Supreme Soul who is an epitome of peace, love, compassion and happiness. We need to understand that we all as souls have imbibed all above qualities from our Supreme Father but many of us have forgotten that. We all are capable of giving, sharing and blessing others and when we actually do that we not only help others but also help ourselves.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.
If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
It has been said that we all need to practice compassion and be considerate about others as well. We all are living in a world where some of us have more than plenty while there are millions who have nothing in terms of materialistic things but in spiritual world we all are equally capable of helping and sharing with others. A person need not be wealthy to share happiness and bliss among people around him but he should be compassionate and considerate about other’s needs. We all derive peace and happiness when we help others.
As rightly said that, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
We should always lend a helping hand to those who need us and earn good karma. We all are blessed by the almighty the way we help others. If you are kind and help others even when you are short of resources, the almighty will surely bless you in an unexpected way and you will realize his presence around you. Here we are listing a few benefits of being compassionate and helps others in the best way possible.
Benefits of Being Compassionate
- Compassion Heals:
When we show compassion and help someone or just express our gratitude, we not only heal the other person but also heal our own stress and anxiety. As helping others is the best therapy for a stressed mind.
Even science researches have proved that kindness helps to activate our brain area called striatum which is responsible for our “Feel-Good” factor thus relieving our brain from unnecessary baggage of stress and anxiety.
- Kindness Begets Kindness:
When we smile to a stranger, most likely you will get a smile in return. It has been observed that when we are kind and help others, we are most likely to be helped when we need it the most. Also, kindness can cause a ripple effect where one person’s act of kindness lifts the spirit of the entire group and make many others kinder in the group. So, being kind or compassionate does no harm to anyone and will help us to be closer to the Supreme Soul and be part of the Golden Age.
- True To Your Real Self:
Compassion helps you to be true to your real self. As kindness is our inbuilt quality, when we show compassion or a simple gesture of kindness like smiling to a stranger or lending a helping hand to a person in need, it helps us to be true to our own nature and thus naturally giving us a feeling of being blessed and worthwhile. It helps us to connect with our inner voice which is the real reflection of our soul.
- Makes You A Better Human Soul:
Kindness and compassion helps you to connect you to your inner self and be a better human soul. We human souls as children of God should look forward to get connected to him in the soul world. When we help others we automatically send positive message to the universe and this positivity helps us to be better human souls.
How to Develop Kindness
As explained above, being compassionate, peaceful, kind and happy is our natural instinct but for many of us these values stay dormant. Such people are unable to tab their own sources but with the help of RajYoga meditation, one can easily get connected to their inner voice.
Rajyoga Meditation helps you to understand that you are also an ocean of peace, compassion and bliss as like the Supreme Father. It helps you to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul so that you are better equipped to help the world.
As one cannot pour from an empty cup, you need to first fill your heart with kindness and gratitude for others by keeping negativity at bay. When you concentrate your thoughts and focus on positives, the effects of negative get diminished automatically from your life. Meditation helps you to open a channel of one to one conversation with the almighty and you will be able to dive deeply to the source of ultimate bliss.
With the realization of His utmost love you will be able to understand your true potential to serve the world and rediscover the world with kinder and compassionate souls.
If you wish to learn how to be more compassionate and concentrate on positivity, learn RajYoga today by sitting in the comfort of your own house at no cost at all. RajYoga will definitely help you to get connected to your inner voice and unearth your true potential to realize your dream of becoming a perfect human soul.
Also Read:
Be Kind to Others for your Own Sake
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