Karma means ‘action’ or a ‘deed’ done by an individual. As per the Indian religion and philosophy, the ‘Law of Karma’ is the ‘Universal Causal Law’.
As per the spiritual understanding of this law one’s future will be determined by the course of action or deeds he performs today.
If you have good intentions and doing positive/good deeds with full dedication, your future existence will reap the benefits of your good deeds done today.
It is basically, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.
The law of karma is sacrosanct, so each one of us should act conscientiously as not being aware of the act doesn’t save you from its impact. One has to face the consequences of their actions whether good or bad. Quality of your actions will determine your future existence.
If your actions are performed under the influence of vices like lust, anger, greed; you are bound to experience sorrow, unhappiness and sufferings at the end.
On the other hand, if you do your deeds with clear consciousness and a peaceful mind you will experience utmost love, honesty and compassion.
If you wish to learn to act without judging others with a conscious mind and soul,
Earn your Good Karma From Now by practicing Raja Yoga Meditation at no cost!!!
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