The Most effective means of eradicating vices and demoniac tendencies is to be dedicated or surrendered whole-heartedly to Him who is the Supreme Soul.
Without any hesitation, i.e. without thinking too much of what I am at present, I should consider that, from this moment, nothing is mine, but what ‘I’ and ‘mine’ stood for once have now been all surrendered to Him.
I have now firmly to feel that body, mind and everything is His and now I have to use these as He directs.
Who-so-ever now wishes to make his life worth a diamond, i.e. an example of excellence, must surrender his present worth-a-farthing life to God and consider that hence onwards, whatsoever he has, he would hold it only in trust an would put these to use as his duty demands and for Godly Service only and, as such, he would act in a chaste and a vice-less manner.
Thus can a man get rid of his attachment to his body, habits and wealth can shed all delusion that the factum of relations and friends ordinarily brings in. Otherwise, his mind will ever return to these worldly and fleeting things and will not have stability in God’s remembrance.
It should be borne in mind that, in order to obtain release from attachment, one need not renounce one’s home, relations and wealth and go to a jungle but the best way to be rid of them is to surrender completely to God and to consider one-self only as an instrument in His hands and to give up thinking them as our own.
Thus will vice and bitterness in our habits get wiped off, making room for purity and sweetness of nature.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL…& Surrender to God
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