He need have no fears who have found refuge or asylum in the Supreme Father and has surrendered all that he is or has unto Him.
He needs no fears who wish others well and is occupied in Godly service.
Fears assail him only who thinks of himself as a body and who is deeply attached to worldly objects and does not think of himself as soul. Otherwise, he who realize upon the Omnipotent Supreme Soul, goes about the whole world fearlessly and with a stable mind.
He keeps ruminating in his mind this lovely point of Knowledge that what is to happen will happen and will happen as a result of his own past actions and desert and, therefore, he should not be afraid of whatever comes in his way but should do his duty properly and should leave the rest to the help of God, the Almighty Father.
Thus he does not worry about the result but acts as a trustee and looks on events and things as a detached observer.
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Why Worry?
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