The Supreme Soul, who grants us well being, says, “Dear children, the present is a great emergency. The destruction of the present Kali-Yugi (Iron-Aged) world is near at hand and very little is now left of this last life.
I now ordain that all of you should be pure and chaste i.e. should observe Brahmcharya and should not allow this arch enemy, the sex-lust, to enter into your thoughts because I have to re-establish here the Satyugi divine Kingdom.
India, which has now become a place of moral corruption, has to be transmuted into a citadel of Purity, fit for the deities to live in. The collapse of the present immoral world is imminent and even that will no doubt force the end of vices, but if you, of your own free will and for the sake of having Yoga with Me, observe Brahmacharya, then in the coming diving self-rule, you will be entitled to deity sovereignty for two long Ages, Dear children, will you not, therefore, give up this vice for even this short period that is left?
Won’t you, for My sake, sacrifice just this. Do you not love Me enough to abandon this old habit?” God Father says, “ My beloved children, the kind of conjugal and house-hold life you lead and manage now does not deserve the appellation “Grahastha Ashrama” (holy home-life) because ‘Ashrama’ means a ‘holy place’ or part of holy life where as in this KaliYugi world the dagger of sex-lust is taking place and corruption of all sorts is rampant and mortal rot is increasingly defiling the atmosphere.
You should, therefore, be pure as your those ancestors were. Being God’s children, your actions should not be ungodly or demoniac. Now you should not take poison in the form of sex-indulgence nor serve it to others. Have, instead, the nectar, that is Gyan Amrit (the Nectar of Godly Knowledge)”
Taking these words of God as an essential command of great and good Father, one should follow these whole-heartedly, for in this lies the well being of an aspirant of Yoga.
So, we should now firmly resolve that, whatever may happen, even If we are cruelly treated and oppressed we would follow His directives and observe chastity and become eligible for entry into Heaven.
It may storm my being many times in the beginning, but I shall hold on to my vow and do my duty,
i.e. I would never abandon chastity and purity, because this is an enviable thing or the most valuable treasure come to me as a gift from God. I will never break this vow of Brahmcharya for I would not thus ruin my future and would not downgrade myself.
Before my very eyes I see the foundations of Satyuga (Golden Age) being laid and its gates being erected and the Satyugi trees are within my view; so, now that very little time is left, should I turn away from high endeavor and degrade myself? The great God has assisted me with His Knowledge and the covenant has been sealed with Him.
He is going to invest me with the diadem and insignia of deity-swaraja, why should then I make my record dirty and blemished and wear a black mark of sex-lust, as it were, on the fore-Abode, which is the real Amarnath-Dham, why should I violate the rule of chastity, which is a ‘must’ for my religious pilgrimage?
The Supreme Father Shiva has now Himself taken incarnation in this world and has started the holy Rudra Gyan Yagya i.e. He has lit the holy fire of knowledge for the people to make oblations or sacrifices of their vices into it. I would not incur sin by violating the purity of Bharat, which has now become the place of this sacrifice or Yagya;
I should not commit any sexual indulgence for it would amount to an act of desecrating this place where the sacrifice is to be performed.
I will now observe Brahmcharya in though, world and deed and to the higher degree and will thus attain the immortality like deities and take into possession the key to ever-lasting peace.
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Understanding God
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