We have Bigger Houses but smaller families
wider roads but narrower mindsets;
we spend more but get less;
we hoard more and give away less.
We have more degrees to boost about but less sense to comprehend and understand others. We have extensive excess to information but less interest to learn and grow.
We have more experts but still more problems; more conveniences, yet lesser time;
bigger cars but small hearts.
We have more medicine yet less wellness; take more vitamins but see fewer results.
We possess more gadgets yet lesser satisfaction; Plan more but execute less.
We have bigger brands to wear but value ourselves less;
highly active on social media but no real friends; we talk more but communicate less.
We drink wine more but water less; Breathe pollutants more but oxygen less.
Talk about saving environment but cut trees more.
We want wider roads but lesser forest;
we take more and give less.
We get angry too fast, smile too less; Drive too fast but care too less.
We watch TV too much, read too seldom; Walk too less but tired too much.
We want happiness but pray too seldom.
We look for happiness out but never cater to inner awareness.
We have hoarded materialistic possessions but degraded our values.
We fly in faster airplanes to arrive there quicker, to do less and return sooner;
we sign more contracts only to realize fewer profits;
we talk too much, love too seldom and lie too often.
We have higher living standards but not higher quotient of happiness.
We are running to make a living but not living the life;
we've added years to life, not life to years.
We have million followers all across the globe but no idea about who stays next door.
We’ve discovered outer space, but know lesser about our own inner space;
we’ve done bigger things, but not better things;
we’ve water and air purifiers, but impure souls;
we’ve conquered the universe but not our chauvinism;
we make faster planes, but longer lines.
We are always rushing yet still cursing;
we have more parties, but less fun; more food but less appetite; more weapons, but less peace;
higher standards of living but lower standards of morals;
more struggle but less success; run fast but reach late.
We have bigger clouds to save data but lesser emotions to share with dears.
We are promoting togetherness but harnessing depression;
living in smaller cellos with bigger problems; build large factories that produce less.
We are focused on quantity but have lost the quality.
We are living in an age where pizza gets delivered faster than medicines;
investing more on health but still lack wellness.
These are times of world peace, but domestic warfare;
more leisure and less fun; higher postage, but slower mail;
more kinds of food but less nutrition.
These are days of two incomes, but more divorces;
these are times of fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, cartridge living, throwaway morality,
one- night stands, overweight bodies and pills that do everything from cheer, to prevent, quiet or kill.
It is the time when there is so much in the show window, but nothing in the stockroom.
Alas, these are the times we are living in!
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & find the real treasures of life !
Also Read:
Endless Desires
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