God Say’s Look up at ME with all your heart.
The key for you to climb up out of the darkness and the problems is to look UP at me.
Why is that so important?
Because what you look at determines your direction.If you look down, you will go down. If you look sideways, you will move to the side. If you look back, you will stay in the past. If you look UP ... you will go up!
My child, this is a key for your whole life.
If you Look Up For ME and see My glory, Calmness, power, and kindness,that will direct your life.
So let your heart, mind and your whole being be completely focused on Me.
Do not fill your mind with vices/evil. There are just too many of them and it would be of no use to fill your mind with the clutter. If only once you give them attention, they will make sure to suppress your real inner being further. Don’t focus your mind and energy on any negative message or emotions.
Look at Me.See Me. Think of Me.
Fill your heart and mind with loving thoughts and sing about My great love for you in the form of Peace, Purity, Power, Knowledge, Love, Happiness & Bliss.
Fill your heart, mind and soul with my beauty.
Forgive and move forward leaving aside any kind of anger and anguish you have against anyone. Just let it go. This anger binds you to that person unknowingly. So, just let it go.
Let go of the anger you have against other people. Let it go.
It binds you to the enemy. Let it go. People do wrong things, just as you make mistakes.
Love them, as I love them, forgive them wholeheartedly and just go on.
Release and you will be released.
I want to make you a channel of LIGHT. How is that possible? If you LIVE in My light. Do you want that? Living in My light? Choose it.
Some people select negativity over positivity and thus live in darkness without knowing what it is to live in My Light. That darkness gives them a strange kind of satisfaction and they are just not ready to come out of that dark cocoon. Do not give evil so much of room in your mind that it becomes impossible for you to reach out to my light. Close the door of your mind and heart for the evil. Do not give into the vices. Live in My Light.
It is a liberation, a breakthrough, an awakening that is going on…
I also see you my child, in my light. But many of you are still face down with your head. You complain and groan, because you give all the attention to the darkness.
Then you do not see what I see, Look up, look at Me. See what I see. Then you will experience the light.
Now rise up My child, in My light and love.
The vices want to make you negative, unhappy, greedy, gloomy, without faith and full of discouragement.
Vices are great at it by filling your mind with negative thoughts, bitterness, anger, resentment and jealousy.
Don't allow it anymore. Live in My light. The light that gives life, wherever it comes.
Do it, my child. I will fill your heart with faith and vision.
A vision that arises from a heart that sees ME.
So look at me.
Remember this my child.
This is a way of life that you have to make your own.
Some people want everything to be thrown at them, they want OTHERS to make them happy and offer them safety.
But they end up constantly complaining about those OTHERS who do not give them what they want.You have to make efforts with complete realization to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. It is a LIFESTYLE change that you have to adopt to bask in MY Glory.
Living in love, light, joy, freedom, hope, peace, goodness and grace.
It is the life change you you have to choose. Nobody can make that choice for you. It is your responsibility to choose light over darkness and live a life which is not gloomy. And I am the big secret for that, you can adopt this lifestyle by just mere thinking of me & you will start becoming like me.
If you focus wholeheartedly on me, my love, my Power and goodness, then you will receive the similar powers into you.
Have faith, My child. Because I am the Great preceptor.
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