The Brahma Kumaris, a non-governmental organization & a socio-Spiritual & educational institute in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council and UNICEF, is an international organization headquartered in Mount Abu, Rajasthan, India with more than 9000 centers in around 140 countries across the globe.
Established in 1937, the Brahma Kumaris family today consists of people from all backgrounds and denominations, who study a body of knowledge, know as Raja Yoga Meditation.
The Knowledge is a practical method with a holistic approach to help individuals to achieve a deeper understanding of life and interact with others in a beneficial and fulfilling way.
The focus of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is on understanding the self, your own inner resources and strengths and works towards helping its students to develop attributes of a true leader and highest level of personal integrity.
The University’s activities are grounded in the belief that the world needs to invest more resources in educating its people with sound human, moral, and spiritual values, It is not enough to enshrine values
& ethics in institutions, systems, and constitutions, for even the best arrangements are of little use if people who implement them have wrong values.
To help facilitate the growing need for deeper research into universal values, the Brahma Kumaris have also built the Academy for a Better World. Located on a 23-acre site just three miles from BK headquarters in Mt. Abut, India, the Academy also known as Gyan Sarovar, meaning Lake of Knowledge – serves as an international education and training facility.
Designed and constructed to maximize the latest technologies in the fields of solar-and wind-generated power. It offers two large auditoriums, 13 training units, a library, playgrounds, environment park, alternative energy development building, laboratory and research section, museum, and an art gallery.
The Academy for a Better World is a common ground where professionals – managers, scientists, lawyers, doctors, educators, members of the media, healthcare workers, artists, and all others – can come together to explore and reflect on values.
They research how values can be practiced as individuals and how that experience can impact one’s profession in building value-based societies. The courses offered at the Academy not only include open dialogues but also 5 to 30 day workshops on different subject matters including self-empowerment, positive thinking, meditation, self-management and practical spirituality.
The Brahma Kumaris from their establishment date since-1937 & till now have been organizing many major national & international projects designed to give individuals the opportunity to take steps towards a better world. Million Minutes of Peace was dedicated to the United Nations International year of Peace, 1986.
The appeal, which asked people to pledge time in meditation, prayers for peace, or positive thinking, reached 88 countries and hadcollected 1,231,975,713 minutes of peace. The total of which wasequal to some 2,344 years of peace!
Global Cooperation for a Better World, a follow-up to Million Minutes of Peace, was launched from the United Nations in New York and the Houses of Parliament in London in 1988.
As an international peace Messenger Initiative, it had the support of more than 400 companies worldwide and involved tens of thousands of people.
This non-governmental organization is run mostly by the women who have utmost spirit of devotion, dedication, renunciation and can sacrifice for the welfare of the society as a whole. There is no discrimination or distinction on the basis of nationality, race, caste, creed or religion. There are no charges or any fees and is completely supported by the voluntary contributions of its students.
The four major subjects / teachings by Brahma Kumaris:
The First subject - Knowledge Second subject - Rajyoga Meditation
Third Subject - Dhaarna
Fourth Subject - Service
Brahma Kumaris also has a sister concern as Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation which was founded in 1982 with 20 different wings to cater to different needs of Godly service of the various sections of the society.
These wings are as follow:-
1. Administrators’Wing | 2. Media Wing | 3. Social Wing | 4. Transport (Surface) Wing |
5. Art & Culture Wing | 6. Medical Wing | 7. Scientists & Engineers Wing | 8. Transport (aviation & Shipping) Wing |
9. Business & Industry Wing | 10. Politicians’ Wing | 11. Women’s Wing | 12. Sports Wing |
13. Education Wing | 14. Religious Wing | 15. Youth Wing | 16. SPARK Wing |
17. Jurist Wing | 18. Rural Wing | 19. Security Wing | 20. IT Wing |
Anyone interested in acquiring further knowledge on the subject, and those who want to learn Easy RajYoga Meditation - the ALL-IN-ONE solution, can avail of free services being rendered by the Centres of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in many parts of the world.
Meditate with us! At no cost AT ALL… & Experience the Peace of Mind !
Also Read:
Spiritual Education by Brahma Kumaris
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